Delivery Information
For Express shipping, we use FedEx and DHL for all international purchases for fishing rods, backpacks or bulky orders in general.
For Standard shipping, We use SingPost for smaller items such as lures, apparels (T-shirt and caps).
As shipping prices vary with each product, you will find the accurate shipping amount before payment. Please note that all incurred taxes and custom duties will NOT be covered.
Please note that we do not ship to the following countries for BONE Fishing World and TOUGHFIA products:
- Australia
- France
- Italy
- India
- United Arab Emirates (UAE)
- Maldives
- Mauritius
- Philippines
- South Korea
- Hungary
If you are from the above country and successfully made an order, we will refund your order upon processing.
Do contact us on FACEBOOOK, INSTAGRAM, or email us at if you have further enquiries.